Tag Archives: fabric painting

My hand dyed projects from “Dye Day 2008”

I promised to show you some of the fabric that I dyed over the weekend. I did get sidetracked yesterday with my dye tutorial, but I try to keep my promises…especially when I make them so publicly!

Linda brought over some of the new Procion MX dye colors from Dharma— I was especially in love with Palomino Gold and Truffle. Oxblood was very bloody red. I might have to re-name it in my mind….It does make a nice deep red– not too orange, not too blue.  Kind of… bloody.

Here is an old white tee shirt that got updated with some green, royal blue, and Cayman Island:

I ended up with some white splotches which I believe are the results of the Misty Gray dye powder. The color description says it’s an “elusive gray color”. Very elusive, I’d say.

I dyed a bunch of bandanas, because I like to wrap my head in color:

I’ve been wanting to play with Dharma’s silk/rayon devore scarves, so I got one of them in a dye bath (why is the photo ginormous? who knows.)

I used Palomino Gold, and the color does shift between the rayon and the silk– isn’t it beautiful?

I’ve also been toying with the idea of dyeing a silk batting. I bought a sample batt from Richland Silk. It’s a very yummy soft silk, but there is no scrim or needlepunching. This means that while the silk fibers are in a batting shape, there’s nothing to hold the silk in place. Any little burr– even dry skin on your cuticle– will pull at the delicate silk. I am becoming experienced with this process, so it didn’t bother me, and the batt turned out exactly as I’d hoped:

Unfortunately, I can’t find Richland Silk anymore (anyone out there have their information?)  The batting is really a very large silk “hankie”.  I’ll have to do some research and see if I can find more of these oversized hankies.  The new Hobbs silk batting has a polyester scrim, which makes it easier to handle, but that poly won’t take the dye.

Tomorrow, I’ll share a beautiful gift I got from Judy Rys!


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Invaluable fabric dye and fabric paint experiments!

For all my art quilt readers:

if you are interested in dyeing and/or painting fabric, I must recommend Vicki Welsh’s blog! She has recently spent much time and effort to experiment with some widely available dyes and paints. Her posts are invaluable references, and I have already learned so much!

Thank you, Vicki!


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